Index CTI and CTI 2 — Cyfron Trading Index

4 min readJun 12, 2021


Kirill: Now I will tell you about the most interesting and the most basic product of company, about the Index CTI. This is the answer to the question of how to make your money work regularly and generate income. I must say that this question is the most important for the people who want to ask you how to make their money work, especially when they are not working. And the answer has been found for me, and we have called this product “Index CTI”. It works as follows. Let’s imagine, let’s say, 1,000 dollars. Everyone would like his thousand dollars to give the maximum effect. Great, 1,000 dollars. And you look at it and think, “I have saved a thousand dollars. It would be great if it worked, it would be cool if it could yield 10 percent a day.” That is, $10 to $20 to $30 to $100. It would be cool if it could yield one hundred percent a day. Yes, a thousand dollars more. And such deals exist in the market. But besides the benefits, there are also risks of losing this money. How to make sure that the money is earned and the risk of loss is minimized at the same time? And we decided to use the so-called large numbers statistics. We decided to invest only in high-risk and highly volatile assets. For example, futures, dollar-euro transactions, cryptocurrency transactions. We have created such a palette of tools, and now, there are more than 160 of them. But let’s imagine 160 tools. The task of each instrument is to yield 5 percent per day.

At the same time, we know that a tool that could make 10 percent makes 20 percent per day. Those who have traded in traditional stock markets and cryptocurrency markets know that this is possible. So, we set the goal of only five percent a day for the trade, and what happens?

When your $1,000 is divided into 160 pieces, yes, that’s less than $10. Let’s say, it turns out to be 8–10 dollars and each of them strives for a yield of five percent. In other words, each of these pieces, there are many of them, up to 160 of these pieces, this one strives, and this, and this, this one succeeded, and this, and this, this one made zero, this one also zero, this one has made -1.5%, for example. -1.5% is the maximum drawdown per instrument that we allow. Just imagine that if you break a thousand dollars into 160 pieces, you can try to earn every five percent. Some worked, some didn’t work — it happens every day. But, in the end, I get an average increase — two and a half, three percent of this thousand. Roughly speaking, I earned $30. Now, the question — how to share this result with people who want to keep their thousand dollars on our platform? We have created the so-called Tamerlane system of equality: 30% — to the commanders and the army, 30% to ourselves, and 30% to the army. So, we took this principle as a basis and decided that the income that occurs every day except weekends, except weekends and holidays: so, we actually work 5 days a week. Basically, yes, and this income is divided into three parts — we accrue 30% of the money earned to the Index holder, in fact, to the investor, yes. We pay 30% to the specialists who have created profitability, that is, to those traders who work on this income and these indicators. And 30% is the company as organizers and witnesses of your transaction.

There is also 10% for the accumulation of the reserve. Perhaps this is a separate story. So, Index CTI works based on this principle. Respectively, if you are the holder of an index worth a thousand dollars, that is, you are the holder of an index, a CTI Index for 1,000 dollars. Here is the example: today, the company traded and earned $31 on one thousand. Well, say,

$30, or even $90, or more. The number is random. It means that you, as an investor, received a third or 10 dollars to your account. The trader earned 10 dollars, and the company received 10 dollars. The numbers given are an example. This is for you to understand how the income for the Index by holders is generated.

