Kirill Doronin and women’s strategies

21 min readApr 2, 2021

Good afternoon. We will be analyzing effectiveness. Today we have two girls who have requested to participate. Apparently, today we are discussing women’s strategies for effectiveness. I hope they will be on time. So, I need to pin the broadcast.
So, at eleven o’clock, as it has been before, there is a regular rubric. From tomorrow, the rubric will be already classified, i.e. we will be analyzing specific topics. I already have understood that there are people from different groups of interests, and I want to divide those interests.

There are business interests, personal interests, or just some kind of issues. I hope that everyone will be on time because I am not on time for three minutes. I see you, come here. Or how to say it? Join in. You should send a request to participate in the live broadcast. If you do not have such a button, you probably need to enter-exit again.

Hello to everyone I see and know. Let me introduce myself. My name is Kirill. I am a co-founder of several Finiko service projects. For example, crypto cards. And within popularization of the company and myself as a personal brand, I decided to arrange live broadcasts with analyses. At 2 p.m., we try to conduct meetings with the tops of different projects. By the way, today at 2 p.m., there will be a meeting with a clothing manufacturer. That is one of our interesting sub-projects. My goal is to increase the effectiveness of Instagram. It used to be just fun for me, but now I use it as a tool, and I would like to get the most out of it.

- Hello. I want to practice one concept on you and all those who will come later. There is such a thing as viewing efficiency. I want people who have started watching, which are 248 now. I will give away $15 for commenting on what we will have discussed in this video.
- Wow.
- I took a course yesterday. I had an hour, and I studied and collected a couple of ideas for content diversification. I have added several actions and divided them into several broadcasts. And do you know what the training sessions will be like? I will ask someone to call, talk to someone, tell about the product right on the air. To tell about objection handling. Thus, I want to make this kind of content. So, with you, we are going just to chat for now. About efficiency. So feel free to invite people to join us at 11 o’clock. I think such things will be useful, no matter what the person is doing.
- I understood.

- Introduce yourself. Tell me who you are, what you are, and why.
- My name is Malika. I am from Kazan, but I usually live in Moscow. Now I am with Finiko and I do not have any great results, but I would like to develop here and finally get visible results in my life.

- When did you decide that it depends only on you and not on a man? — When did I decide that it only depends on me?
- Not on a man, yes. Is this a female or non-female strategy?
- What do you mean, Kirill?

- Look, you say, “I want my result.” So, should it only depend on you or a man? — I would say, just on me.

- What do you believe in?
- What do I believe in? I do not know. I believe in myself.
- It’s too abstract. About this formulation again. There is a female path, and there is a male path. When I talk to a guy, I understand what he is talking about: everything depends on him. Even if he thinks that not only on him if he has some wrong mental attitudes, he still has a deep belief that it all depends on him. It’s purely masculine. And women have such a thing that also depends on a man, i.e. it is a natural phenomenon. These are the hidden things inside us. So, I ask, what do you believe in?
- Now I believe in myself. Before, it was different.
- What has changed?
- I don’t know, probably that is because of personal growth courses. I have realized that everything depends on a person and a girl as well.

- I agree. It means that you can impose this belief on the model of building relationships in business. In other words, you do not have to be with this man, but you can rely on him. On his responsibility for completing your tasks when building a team or something else. What is the purpose of the analysis?
- To be honest, I was very scared to participate in this analysis. I watched all the previous analyses, and each of them resonated very strongly with me. And I realized that, probably, when you are being analyzed, you are not projecting on yourself what others need. And very often, I take someone else’s situation and start applying it all to myself. I would like specific results, and 2 areas in my life go in hand, but go badly. And I want the result.

- What kind of result? Describe it.
- I would like to improve my financial situation and to build a team.
- Wait. You have 2 spheres, right?
- Yes.
- Is the first area — money?
- Yes
- And the second one?
- A team.
- Business. Good. Let’s start with the team, because, in principle, if you take care of the team, I think the money will come. What do you think?
- Yes.
- Am I right?
- Yes.
- Let’s start with the team. How many people are working with you now?
- I guess, I can speak only for myself. I’m ready.
- Once again, how many people are there on your team? To how many people can you say, “Okay, we’re going to make 40 calls today”?
- Well, two maybe.
- Two. How many calls do you make a day? How many meetings per day? Are you generally developing in business or what do you need a team for?
- Now I do not hold meetings, because I have just started to get involved in it. I didn’t even tell anyone about Finiko. It was very difficult for me because they evaluate me according to some other criteria, and when I start doing something, they always say, “Look, she is doing something again”. Now I have such a period when even some old friends have left. And this is very cool because now I am alone and I am looking at myself, at what will happen next.

- Do you have your own story with Finiko? — No.
- So are you an investor, a holder?
- An investor, yes.

- How much?
- Now I have only three indexes.
- Three indexes. That’s fine, many do not have money even for one. Okay, have you had these three indexes for a long time?
- No, at the beginning I had one, and recently, I have got two more. So, shortly there will be the fourth one.
- When did you get the first index?
- The first one appeared in January. It started working.
- So, from January to June you were getting enough from the first index. It has already paid off, I guess.
- Immediately. In less than a month.
- Well, yes, plus an invitation. Good. Did you sell? Did you have any sales?
- Yes, I have started making sales recently.

- I will tell you what I usually recommend doing in this regard. Usually, when people say, “I want to promote Finiko,” they immediately imagine in their head that they need to shout about it with a flag. I like the way some people work. You don’t even hear about them, but they have a very high turnover. They just show how much they have in their account. That was the first point. Secondly, they are organizing the business. So, what are they doing? They speak. If I offer a person to do business, it will be one client for sure. So, I offer people the business straight away. I call and say: “Listen, I want to talk to you about business. I have a certain result. I want you to criticize me.” Do you think I am wrong?

- No, why?
- The point is that you say: “Listen, I …” and you pronounce any possible doubts and objections that people usually reply with. What’s the point? In the moment of communication, there is such a thing — a spoken objection. It becomes your truth, and you begin to defend it. The objection you have spoken becomes your revelation, and it is already yours. Just imagine, for example, in the past, I approached a woman and said: “Listen, I don’t know how you put up with me. You should have broken up with me long ago. I forget calling you, I forget to congratulate you, I never remember your mother’s name, and so on.” In other words, you pronounce all your mistakes by yourself, real objections. Now imagine, can you imagine? They tell me, “This is a pyramid.” And I answer: “Firstly, I also thought it is a pyramid. And then I looked at the analysis of how Edward trades. This convinced me. Do you think it might convince someone else? Or why did it convince me? What do you think about this?”. Do you understand, right? I mean, you should build communication differently, not like “I’m going to tell you something now, and I’ll get into your wallet.” You should build communication with a request. Moreover, your softness will be organic. “I have started doing business. I think I’ve got into some strange stuff.” You can say this about yourself with irony, sincerely. “Or maybe it is not strange, help me figure it out.” Then, you should talk about how it works. “Listen, these statements didn’t convince me. But this is the person who participated in the battle. I was convinced by that. What do you think about it?” Then, you say: “Thank you very much. In principle, I am ready to continue doing business. If you have any ideas on what to do, let’s do it, let’s do it together.” He says: “No, I don’t want to.” And you move on.

The big problem is that you consider a meeting to be a result. First, you have pictures of perfection in your head. What you have just described is the promotion picture. “So, I have to speak about it, I have to be proud of it.” It is not necessary at all to talk about Finiko. It is necessary to talk about your results. If you buy a car. What is your situation with a car, with an apartment? Any plans regarding this?

- There are plans, but now I have nothing.
- Does someone have a car in your closest circle? — Only acquaintances.
- Who bought a car, an apartment? With Finiko?
- Yes.

- You need 2–3 cases of people whom you can call and say: “Could you tell about it?”. At some point, you will get tired of this model of asking for advice, and you will begin to influence people, but softly and gracefully. You will simply gain the confidence to speak confidently about something. Do you understand, right? And then, people will not perceive you aggressively, they will treat you as an expert. And to add more expertise — read more about trading and other results. If you only researched on the Internet what trading is doing in general. People raise a lot of money, much more than we do.

- Yes, I know. Thanks to Finiko, I began to study it.

- You need to work out the context of Finiko’s existence so that your inner convictions are born. Therefore, the first goal is five people who make an appointment with you at the same time. You are thinking too much about it. You need to turn off your brain and judgments.

- And how to turn it off?

- By overloading. There is such a term — “overload”. I will try to explain. “Once I was traveling by train, I met a fellow traveler. He talked about his grandmother. When she was a child, she met a boy who was fishing somewhere beyond the second half of the Dnieper river and he had a friend, and a friend had a mother.” This construction is difficult to understand, the brain simply turns off. That is the first way. The second way is mental disconnection from the process. That is when you stop evaluating your presentation, your quality of conversation, and speech. When you have a meeting every 30 minutes, you just have no time to think about it. You just want to tell at least something to a person who appeared in front of you in half an hour. I call it the flow state when you turn off the consciousness. The brain is just very cautious, it cares about safety. Therefore, to switch it off, it must be overloaded. Then, at some point, you will feel the flow of creation, and you will cease to be shy. For you to understand, everything you say is very important. I don’t know at what point you decided it does not matter, but it hinders you. You are very cool, but you need to understand this, i.e. to deceive your brain. I don’t like analyzing the reasons. You just have to create a new model of behavior. You just have to start making appointments. Maybe it’s too early for you to sell. Maybe you just need to make appointments. Secondly, maybe you have a person whose negotiation model suits you. Try to ask him to do sales for you, and you will pay him one percent from your five. Most importantly, do not stay still and do not worry about the fact that something is not working out there. You have to arrange the flow. I mean, it is a number of people, 20–30 people per day, with whom you need to talk. In a month, your brain will say: “I

don’t want that many people anymore, I will better make her work more efficiently.” And you will only need 20 appointments to make your key 10 sales or 10 connections. There is no other way.

- From yesterday’s broadcast with Matvey, I realized that I still need to rely on myself. You can’t say that something does not work because of someone on the team.

- You can count on others, but it is not a working model. You will spend time defending this model and communicating about motivation. You should work with yourself and create opportunities for more people. Stop wasting yourself. And for this, create as many probabilities and opportunities as possible to tell other people about how you make money.

- I agree with you. When you went to Instagram, you said that Instagram is a form of entertainment for you and that you just did not attach importance to it and got to work. I also have an account on Instagram, but there is no point in it, as my mother says. And you understand that you don’t have any results, but you say something. When in the 90s there was nothing special, everyone wanted it, and now there are a lot of things, but it is very difficult to make the right choice. And so I think, “Well, why are you going to be on Instagram now if you don’t have anything yet. Get to some result first, and then… “

- What result? Why can’t you be telling your story from scratch? Any story is good when it comes from a person. “Look, I am a janitor. Here is the yard. Look how much dust. I have cleaned it up. (And then someone throws pieces of paper on the ground.) Damn, someone has littered here again. I’m wondering what that person was thinking about at that moment.” Any topic can be very engaging if it is told by a person who is involved in it. He just reveals some small aspects. For example, you can talk about how you did not see this opportunity. How you didn’t believe it. How your stereotypes were destroyed. “Do you think I have destroyed it early, or should I destroy it later?” So, you can talk about everything. As I have said, the key question is, “Why did you decide that you are not important?” I don’t know where it comes from and I don’t want to know. And I don’t recommend you to analyze it or pay to be analyzed. Just create a new feeling that you are important. Just pretend you’re important for exactly one week. You have to hold 150 meetings this week. Just fake it and then you will return to “I am not important.” Pretend that you are very important. Queen mode, bitch mode — turn it on, work, and then return to the model that you are comfortable with. Do you know what’s going to happen? It’s like a spring. It has a certain length. For the spring to become longer, you can pull it, but when you release it, what happens? It is coming back. Our analysis with you is about “Pull it, and it will return”. For the spring to become the one you need, you need to pull it back, to bend it. It is a training moment. When you release it, it will return where you want. So, pretend for a week and then we’ll see. 100 business proposal meetings. At some point, you will feel that at the 21st meeting, they agree with you because you are important. You lead people, you really can attract, you can influence.

- Got it.
- And do not analyze anymore. Pay attention to this aspect for one week and build the business. Just build the business. If it does not work, we will analyze it further.
- Well, alright. That’s all.
- Thank you so much. We have the second person in the queue.

- Thank you.
- I am very grateful to you. Thank you very much.
Any analysis of the reasons leaves you in the reasons. It makes no difference. The thing is that you need to create something new. Why do I like my approach? If something does not suit me, any analysis of the reasons would mean that I remain in what does not suit me, but I understand the reason. What’s the point if you have to create a new behavior model anyway? If the model of behavior is ineffective for you, if you understand that you are not enough, you want something else, then take small steps to where you will succeed. The next participant is “Gold. Investments, business”.

- Hi.
- Hello. Thank you very much for joining. We have half an hour. Some kind of key topic. Introduce yourself. Tell me who you are, where you are from.
- My name is Elena, I’m from Ufa. I used to have 2 jobs. A year ago I left one job and stayed for another. Besides, I have been engaged in entrepreneurship for over 20 years, running my own business.
- Can you tell me why you need a live broadcast? What do you want? Why did you decide to go on the air?
- Look, I understand that I have some kind of apathy. If before I was active, ambitious, and made decisions instantly, i.e. I want to and I do, but now I have some kind of apathy. I have some kind of insecurity. While people are earning, I am sitting and waiting.
- Maybe you have done some training courses? Have you read anything? Come on, tell me. — I read a lot of books. I try to read printed ones. Our favorite Robert Kiyosaki, of course. I try to watch various courses, work with coaches, and I even did a master kit training.
- So, you have started analyzing the reasons, right? You have begun to improve yourself. Improvement, right? It works at the level of slowing down the reaction. Do you admit it?
- Yes.
- What did you want to improve?
- I need growth. My growth has stopped because of my fears, I am not acting.
- When you started to improve, what did you want to improve?
- Myself.
- What exactly? Correct your nose? Tighten your ears? Or vice versa? To shave your head? It is also about “myself”. What did you want?
- Probably, to understand me, to understand what I want, what I strive for.
- What for?
- How to proceed, how not to be afraid.
- Who told you that you need to study it? What is it for?
- On the Internet, everyone says that you should study it. I decided to participate too, with everyone.
- As a result, when people find out that taking the same courses does not answer the question of their real-life at all, apathy appears. Something like in your situation. When everyone around you, even people who are weaker than you, who are less conscious and not so deep, suddenly begin to overtake you in terms of results in life. And you, who are so special, just sit and keep being smart. You understand and you get even angrier. In my opinion, the best model is to realize things and immediately apply them in reality. If you have decided that you have to become better, then choose a sphere in which you will improve. Let’s start with it and outline a plan. What would you like to be better in?

- The topic of earning has always been important to me. Thus, I want to succeed in business.
- How will you understand that you have succeeded? The term is for the next two weeks. Where will your prosperity be?
- In my income, first of all.
- Should it double?
- Now, for example, my business does not work.
- What business, by the way?
- I have what you do not like. Commercial real estate and rental.
- No, I didn’t say I don’t like it. I said that I feel bad when money doesn’t work or doesn’t work well. Are you good at this?
- I do not feel comfortable now, because the real estate that brings me income is working to buy this property now.

- Do you mean that all the money that comes, goes to pay the mortgage or rent, etc.? What’s the plan?
- To repay the loan faster. I just know that this business can give 2 times more, but so far there are no extra funds to pay off this loan faster. Everything is interconnected. So, I came to Finiko. Again, fears.
- Fears of what? Are you a holder of an index or a product?
- At the end of April, literally on the 30th, I became the holder of the index, and it was enough for a small car.
- Why did you decide to take the index? Except for money. What criterion was convincing to you?

- I just said to myself, “Stop being afraid, all people earn, go ahead.”
- You never know, maybe we are deceiving people. It does not matter what you said to yourself. What was the criterion for making a decision?
- The opportunity to try.
- I guess it was a need. You jumped here in need. That is a little different. Good business is built on the feeling that it won’t break. Your result is not very good, as you have joined because of need. Just to try. But if you would have started to analyze, to catch us on words, on contradictions. “So, they trade, why do you have such accounts? Why is it like this?” Draw up everything right in your head, “How did Doronin come to this? How does this happen?” And you will begin to understand Finiko inside yourself at the organic level. This will become your kind of understanding, awareness. Have you looked at our statements? Have you studied anything?
-I did not…

- You keep being led by need. So, you just thought that if people have objections, you will tell them to look at the statements. And people feel it. They say: I’ll think about it. Or, “Listen, it is a pyramid.” You are lazy to figure it out, but you immediately want goals. Why? Because we are all trained. Goals and income are important. And what does your inner achievement of goals consist of? It consists of a clear conviction and understanding of how those goals have been first achieved by us. So that you can demonstrate it further. As soon as you start to demonstrate it, you easily get a person on your team. A person with whom you can work on your past fears. And then this person becomes the most valuable player who makes calls, and each call ends with an agreement to meet. And then you start building a business because you don’t need to say that real estate works. You know. You go, see the premises,

you see that people work or do not work there. It does not work and does not give you money, and you know that this is your reality. But you put Finiko’s reality on the level: I’ll try. Therefore, there will be no further income. I think this question is relevant to many people. Especially girls, because they don’t want to study the numbers. And if you have tried, you would understand how it works in a week. Your wings would grow, people would follow you. Girls are doing better than boys in this because you have an intuitive knowledge of how to attract people. But if you do not understand how money is made, then inside your head, you have a feeling that it is a scam. And others feel it.

- You know, in principle, I have no doubts about the work process. I mean, I know the brokers of the Otkritie bank. I perfectly understand how it works and I know that traders earn. I always have one question in my head. There are a lot of us. How can 25 people serve 46 thousand and keep up? After all, even if each of them has one million dollars on an account, I think it is not possible.
- What? Let’s clarify. “It is not possible” or “I don’t understand how it is possible”?
- I don’t understand, probably, how they can do it.
- What if a trader has 10 million in management?
- If they have such accounts, then yes.
- What if 30? 100 thousand? Have you seen it? This is again about the fact that you did not watch the conference, where we showed a 100 thousand dollar account that yields 3 percent. They also showed a 30 thousand dollar account, which grows by 90 thousand within 4 days. So, how much is an increase there? Almost 120 percent. That is one and a half month bank. It is not necessary to go there with a million to ensure profitability. We have spoken about it many times, but you have not paid attention to those questions. On one hand, you want income. On the other hand, real estate does not work. You are just walking around. You should form your inner conviction. And we provide a lot of materials to help you with it. Of course, they are complex and unusual, but it is necessary to study them. Everyone sets goals and wants to begin from scratch, but if the foundation is weak, you will never build anything. No team, no business, nothing. Deep conviction is the foundation. You have created an alternative in order not to stand still in terms of income while your real estate does not work. If you want to make money on this tool, you need to study it as well as your real estate. You have an audience that, judging by the way you position yourself, are thinking people. They critically perceive your indifference as well, they do not want that. Therefore, they all will expect understanding from you. Better spend this week answering all your internal questions, reviewing all the conferences that have already taken place. And if we do not answer some questions, try to ask your brain. Then, it will be necessary to work not with Finiko, but with the needs of people. Do you know people who have loans? Do you know people who would find it easier to buy a car? Do they know that with you they can do it faster? They just have to know, they don’t have to buy. The first goal. How should they find out about it? They have to understand this from your inner conviction that comes from studying the product. I give you two days to study all the questions that are important to you. Either ask a mentor or watch the broadcasts. Already on day 3, try to make the first appointment with a person who definitely has a loan. “I want to talk to you. I want to pay off your loan. Don’t hinder me from helping you. Let me just tell you about it. Let’s talk. And ask me a question.” Do you understand what I mean?
- Yes, there are people, and they are ready, but the difficulty here is that there is no initial …

- I get it. Let’s figure it out. If there is no initial, then ask a person, “Do you have friends who have a loan?” And you create the flow of customers. “I talk, and you earn your 5 percent.” You create a flow when you have no time to think.
- Two frequently asked questions. When I talk to people about the company, many of them say… I even called Kazan in February, and they told me that Finiko has been around for a year and that such companies usually do not exist any longer.

- The question is, if a company knows how to make money, why should it create some models that will work only for a year, and then that’s all? You should discuss it with a person 3 times. The first time you give an argument if a person does not understand why he would build a pyramid. The second — if you need money, why don’t you consider making money by reselling bitcoins? And the third one — if you are satisfied with your investment model, why are you still in loans? If a person answers “I’m right anyway,” then there are no questions, just say that you love him very much for his rightness. “I’ll go further. Just look, here’s my account, here’s my car, here’s my friends’ car”.
- I would like to wait until September to show it.
- You can show any other things. You will have your own story, but you understand that it develops, so do not be shy about it. In fact, your key is what you have entered the company with. You should be broadcasting it further. It’s just that not everyone agrees, you have to expand the model. You can simply expand the power of influence through your own inner beliefs about how it works.
- Now, I am planning to spend money on my loan.
- Thank you. I am sure that your case is a lesson for many people.
- Thanks for the meeting.

